Gharana Surat

Privacy Policy

From time to time, we may need certain information from customers. Some of this information may be personal data, while others may be random items, but all of this helps us process your orders and helps to fulfill your orders. None of the procedures can be successful if even a part of the data is not shared to us, which is why everyone must agree to communicate their data to us, including all the information we request from them. However, in this document we will explain what we actually do with this data under different conditions and how we handle it accordingly.

Collection of Necessary and Unnecessary Information:

This includes all basic information that we may ask you before placing an order. This information may include your name, address and telephone/mobile number. When processing your orders, we may also need information regarding your credit card or other payment methods. All this is part of the necessary information, because without even one of them we cannot continue the process and we cannot complete it. A customer should not place an order unless he is ready to provide us with all of the above information.

Things like your gender, preferences and likes and dislikes, all of these are just the information we need to better serve you and better understand our customers' choices. However, none of this information is required for the procedure to continue, which means that this information is not required. However, it is always best that you take your time and provide us with this information as well.


We inform our users in advance that our site uses cookies in order to acquire part of the information on each user's computer. This information does not contain anything that may be personal to the user, but these cookies are mainly used by the site in order to better understand the interests of our customers, in order to make the experience with us even better and pleasant for our users. However, if you refuse the request to use cookies that was presented to you by the site, you can still use the site. However, you will not be able to access some features of the site.

Log Files:

We collect log files from our users in order to improve the performance of our site. These log files will include IP addresses, and the IP addresses may tell us what other sites the user is visiting and what type of pages that particular user is visiting from our site. In short, IP addresses provide us with a wide range of demographic data about you and your preferences. However, the log files we collect also include other information, including the type of browser you are using. All of this information captured in our log files, however, does not lead to any personally identifiable information. This information is purely necessary to know what our users like, what we have to provide them and all the useless things that customers don't seem to like. We use all the information we obtain for analytical purposes and nothing else.



Our website may contain numerous links to other websites on the web. However, our website is not aware of their privacy policies. We strongly advise our users to take care of this and to know what other websites are saying about their privacy policies. Without reading them, you should never visit a website uncertainly. In that case, we are in no way responsible if the other site collects personally identifiable information, as the website is not ours and we have not really interfered on that particular website's privacy policies.

Changing/Editing Your Personal Information:

The information you provide to us remains as it is in our records. Nothing is changed and is used in the same way for the procedures, without anything being changed. However, sometimes users may want to update or change the information they have previously provided to us. This is the only time our site will change your information based on what you tell us to change. Most of the time, these changes are made from the "My Account" page, where you can access and change/edit your personal information at any time. You can also email our customer support team to change your information securely and nothing more or less than you need.

This information will also remain with us and no one, except trusted staff members, will be authorized to access this information. Once you have decided that you no longer want our services, you can let us know and we can delete your information immediately.


It's not that we forcibly take information from our users or take it without them realizing it. Whatever information we take from a user, whether it is personally identifiable information or random information, we always let users know what we intend to do and how the information we need is important to us for maintenance. of our website, as well as the quality of the service we offer you.

However, if you wish to opt out of information sharing, you can do so without any problem. For example, if you want to buy a product from our site, but don't want your email to be on our list for other marketing procedures, you can always choose the option not to share your information with anyone, such as your email. The same can be done if you wish to opt out of receiving e-mails via our newsletter. All this information is captured if you consent and there is no other way for us to do so. may share information with government agencies or other companies that assist us in fraud prevention or investigations. We can do this when:

(1) permitted or required by law; or,

(2) attempt to protect or prevent actual or potential fraud or unauthorized transactions; or

(3) investigate fraud already committed.

The information is not provided to these companies for marketing purposes.

We are also required to cooperate fully in any situation where law or legal process requires us to provide information about a customer. We may share non-personal and non-individual statistical or demographic information in aggregate form with our marketing partners, advertisers or other third parties for research and advertising purposes. In other words, we will not tell our marketing partners that you have purchased a specific product, but we can tell them how many customers have purchased that product.

If you agree, to inform you of products or special offers that may be of interest to you. You agree that you will not object to us contacting you for any of the above purposes, whether by phone, email or in writing and you confirm that you do not and will not consider any of the above as a breach of any of yours rights under of Telecommunications Regulation Act 1999 (Data Protection and Privacy).

We will not disclose your personal information to any outside companies for mailing or marketing purposes.

Commitment to Data Security

Your personally identifiable information is kept secure. Only authorized employees, agents and verified contractors (who have agreed to keep the information secure and confidential) have access to this information. All emails and newsletters from allow you to opt out of receiving mail.

Contact Information for Privacy

 If you have any questions, concerns or comments about our privacy policy, you can contact us using the information below:

 By e-mail: By phone: +91 98252 65007

 We reserve the right to make changes to this policy. Any changes to this policy will be posted.